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Python NumPy Introduction

Python is emerging as one of the favorite tools in the filed of data science. With powerful data science libraries like NumPy, SciPy, pandas, matplotlib, scikit-learn and tools like IPython (Jupyter) notebook combined with ease of programming, Python is proven as the powerful and preferred language of organizations. In this course I will tech you the basics of NumPy and further take a deep dig on playing with NumPy. NumPy  : NumPy is a python library, which supports efficient handling of various numerical operations on arrays holding numeric data.  They are known as N-dimensional-arrays or ndarrays.  Ndarrays are capable of holding data elements in multiple dimensions  and each data element of it is of fixed size and also all the elements of ndarray are of same data type. N-dimensional array  ( ndarray)  : N-dimensional array is an object, capable of holding data elements of same type and of fixed size in multiple dimensions. 1-D Array Example
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5 Kind of Bugs Every Programmer Encounter During Coding

                As a programmer, you have to expect bugs. In simple terms, a bug can be defined as an error in a program. During the coding of a program, we often make some mistakes. These mistakes showcase themselves as bugs in your code. Writing a code is the easy part. The hard step is the debugging (Searching for the errors or bugs in a program). And it can get especially frustrating in situations where you create more bugs instead of fixing the current one. If you haven’t encountered the following bugs, you should expect them any time soon: Tiny Bugs:                 These types of bugs may be miniature, but dealing with them is no easy task. You will receive compiler errors, and then spend hours, or even days trying to figure out where you went wrong. Such bugs include forgetting that little semicolon or bracket. In a programming language like Python, you can face trouble when indentation is wrongly done. Tiny bugs can be spotted when using the right IDE's. Little erro

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Printing to the Screen: The simplest way to produce output is using the  print  statement where you can pass zero or more expressions separated by commas. This function converts the expressions you pass into a string and writes the result to standard output as follows − print " python is really a great language," This produces the following result on your standard screen - Python is really a great language, Reading Keyboard Input: Python provides two built-in functions to read a line of text from standard input, which by default comes from the keyboard. These functions are − raw_input input The  raw_input  Function: The  raw_input([prompt])  function reads one line from standard input and returns it as a string (removing the trailing newline). Example: str = raw_input("Enter your input: ") print "Received input is: ", str This prompts you to enter any string and it would display same string on the screen. When I typed